Donna McGovern Gets My Vote! (And I don't even have cable!)

I got an e-mail from a friend of mine today, Donna McGovern.

Donna is a super spunky, on-the-go type of woman. She's smart, on point, and straight forward. A real No Bullshit woman, she's honest, but with heart.

She's urging us all to vote for her TV show idea, which would air on Opera's network. Here's the e-mail including a link to her video. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE For DONNA!

Hi All
  Yes another exciting adventure I have embarked on!!!  I entered the Oprah have your OWN show contest and my video was accepted today and its on the site!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now its time to play full out and get as many votes as possible - I started late in the game but you know I believe

So here is what I need from you - I would love for you to vote for me and then send it off to your friends, family, co-workers to vote
I know I could get to 5 million votes within 2 weeks of the deadline July 3rd when voting ends!!!! 

CLICK ON THIS LINK TO VOTE (you can also send this link to your friends and family)

I will be sending it on facebook and linkedin and everywhere else I can think of

For those of you who do not know besides working at Pierre Hotel,  I also own an Empowerment Coaching & Training business for the past 2 years with my dearest friend Isha - Its called Interrupt the Ordinary - and wow imagine getting a shot to do our own show on the OWN Network!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now that is what I call creating!!!!

Well life is about enjoying the ride - so here goes.............THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT

Donna McGovern
Interrupt the OrdinarySM
Empowerment Coaching & Training (coming soon)

There is no shortcut to any place worth going.....Beverly Sills

Chipotle Does A Bit of Good.

Chipotle Wants to Turn Your Junk E-mail into Healthy School Lunches

It might not involve any free burritos for you and me (sad face), but restaurant chain Chipotle has launched a new campaign designed to turn your junk e-mail into healthier school lunches for kids.
The program –- called “No Junk” –- encourages people to forward their spam to For every 100,000 messages received at that address, Chipotle plans to donate $10,000 to The Lunch Box, a non-profit organization that provides resources to schools to help them make their food programs healthier.
For Chipotle, the project aligns with the marketing messages you’ve likely seen if you’ve eaten at one of their restaurants, which emphasize the “naturally raised” animals and organically grown ingredients the company uses in its burritos.
Of course, all of that doesn’t necessarily mean your burrito is “healthy” in a caloric sense. A burrito with steak, rice, beans, cheese and sour cream along with a side of chips puts up some pretty massive numbers in the “nutrition facts” department, as you can see in this estimate:
Nonetheless, there is a clear connection between Chipotle’s message and that of The Lunch Box, and the tie-in to “junk e-mail” — which makes up about 90 percent of all e-mail sent according to Symantec — is a clever one that should resonate with people.

Retouch Madness- Grrrrr at Photoshop Abusers.

This is the stuff that gets me as a photographer and an occasional model. Look closer, and see exactly what some people do to make something look "perfect".  This woman's retouched body is an impossibility. Her waist and legs would not support her, and her waist would never bend so much without showing the effort it takes to do so.

This sh*t makes me crazy. And this is SUBTLE retouching? Yuck!

Debenhams Explains Everything That Goes Into a Typical Photoshopped Image of a Swimsuit Model

Before (left) and after retouching.

Before (left) and after retouching. Photo: Courtesy of Debenham's

U.K. department store Debenhams is selling swimwear with unretouched images of swimsuit models. The store's windows display an unretouched shot of a model next to the same shot with typical retouching. Another image details the alterations that would have gone into the usual retouched swim campaign.
As you can see, quite a bit of work was done to make the image look "better." This girl has no armpit, no eye bags, no skin folds, and no thighs. Yet judging by this example, Debenhams doesn't seem like as egregious a retoucher as many other advertisers and media outlets. This model, not being as frail as so many are, didn't need any protruding bones filled in and smoothed over. Debenham's creative director Mark Woods said:
'As a responsible retailer we want to help customers make the most of their beauty without bombarding them with unattainable body images.
'Our campaign is all about making women feel good about themselves - not eroding their self belief and esteem by using false comparisons.
'Not only does it make sense from a moral point of view, it ticks the economic boxes as well. Millions of pounds a year are spent by organisations retouching perfectly good images.
'As a rule we only airbrush minor things like pigmentation or stray hair and rely on the natural beauty of models to make our product look great.
'We are proud to bring the issue of re-touching into the main stream when the likes of Britney Spears and Madonna are using unairbrushed but over-lit images as a shock tactic.'
This is a great move. It all goes to show the model didn't need the retouching anyway! And she's not the only one — that's why they're models, right?

Ben and Jerry's "New York Super Fudge Chunk" Ice Cream Review

First let me say, I've been tempted to try this ice cream since I first heard about it a few weeks ago. So when I decided to buy some ice cream along with my Organic Milk and Soy Milk purchase tonight at the grocery store, I was super pleasantly surprised to see one lone container of this flavor in the freezer along side the other choices.

I headed to checkout and was shocked that my three dairy items came to $14. Holy Sh*t! But hey, I'd rather pay for 3 organic dairy items than 6 cases of junkie soda. But back to my Ice Cream review.

I get home and after a few glasses of milk/soymilk (I mix them- yummy) I pop open this limited time New York special flavor. My first reaction at plain sight..."This isn't anything special". THEN, I tried to put my spoon in! What did I hit? Mounds and mounds of chunks upon chunks of fudge and nuts and sweet pieces, enough to put a diabetic in the hospital in one bite. The ratio of chunks to ice cream was so leaning towards the chunks it was near difficult to eat. It certainly was more like a gourmet desert than ice cream.

Then curiosity killed the cat. Nutrition facts.... First off.... The Ingredients...
Ingredients: Cream, Liquid Sugar, Skim Milk, Water, Cocoa (Processed With Alkali), Sugar, Coconut Oil, Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds, Egg Yolks, Cocoa, Milkfat, Peanut Oil, Guar Gum, Salt, Natural Flavors, Soya Lecithin, Butter, Carrageenan, Vanilla Extract

So we can say this is natural, but when the first ingredient is CREAM, why is the 3rd ingredient SKIM MILK???? Only AFTER.... LIQUID SUGAR!! WTF is LIQUID SUGAR???

Moving on. (It's kosher by the way. lol.)

After about 5 bites I had to take a short break, and for those of you who are like me and eat very methodically- good luck with this one! Every time I tried to get the slightly melted ice cream from the sides, it would only account for half a spoonful, and the end result would be even MORE of a mound of chunks inhabiting the middle of this container. Finally I had to drive the spoon into the middle of the chunk mountain, if I didn't pick axe around for a breaking point I'd never have broken this mound down into edible pieces.

At about 1/4 of the container I had to stop. I told my cousin via Facebook Chat "I can't stomach another bite. It's good, but like eating 6 deserts in each bite."

At 300 Calories per serving (4 servings in a pint size container) and 19 grams of fat per serving, this container weighs in at...

1200 Calories
76 grams Fat
44 Grams Saturated Fat (that's above the daily value by 124%! And that's based on a 2000 calorie/day diet, VERY few people actually come close to needing that many calories in a day).

I'm tempted to throw the rest out. But I won't. Rather I'll give it as super treats to the girls I babysit. After all- they're growing and running around like animals. Let them burn this stuff off.

My final review is this. As good and tempting as the name may be, to this real NYer, I'll pass. Because real NYers are too smart to fall for such a gimmick. And yet... Only NYers like myself, who huff and puff in 96 degree weather, into sauna hot subways, and steep stair wells can even consider such an indulgence. Because of our arrogant NY ways, and our demand for bigger, better, and more, we have earned ourselves an ice cream flavor, dedicated to our need for the best.

For more info on this flavor, visit their website...

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream- "New York Super Fudge Chunk"