Donna McGovern Gets My Vote! (And I don't even have cable!)

I got an e-mail from a friend of mine today, Donna McGovern.

Donna is a super spunky, on-the-go type of woman. She's smart, on point, and straight forward. A real No Bullshit woman, she's honest, but with heart.

She's urging us all to vote for her TV show idea, which would air on Opera's network. Here's the e-mail including a link to her video. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE For DONNA!

Hi All
  Yes another exciting adventure I have embarked on!!!  I entered the Oprah have your OWN show contest and my video was accepted today and its on the site!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now its time to play full out and get as many votes as possible - I started late in the game but you know I believe

So here is what I need from you - I would love for you to vote for me and then send it off to your friends, family, co-workers to vote
I know I could get to 5 million votes within 2 weeks of the deadline July 3rd when voting ends!!!! 

CLICK ON THIS LINK TO VOTE (you can also send this link to your friends and family)

I will be sending it on facebook and linkedin and everywhere else I can think of

For those of you who do not know besides working at Pierre Hotel,  I also own an Empowerment Coaching & Training business for the past 2 years with my dearest friend Isha - Its called Interrupt the Ordinary - and wow imagine getting a shot to do our own show on the OWN Network!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now that is what I call creating!!!!

Well life is about enjoying the ride - so here goes.............THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT

Donna McGovern
Interrupt the OrdinarySM
Empowerment Coaching & Training (coming soon)

There is no shortcut to any place worth going.....Beverly Sills

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