One man's Rant on the government and YOU....
Give him a Shot... I have to say I agree with him. Be willing to consider another viewpoint besides your own.
Remember: If you ask your parents about when they were young and the topic of politics was brought up the conversation was shot down immediately. Who you voted for was a very private matter and people within your own family didn't necessarily know who you were voting for. It was extremely taboo to discuss your political views. I think we should all go back to this way of supporting our candidates. Talk about issues not positions, don't name drop, start at the bottom with congress and not at the top with the president. Stand for your values, but not by standing on other people's toes. That means don't gossip or put down people. Don't name drop or even let your favorite candidate's name drip from your mouth until the last minute. You cloud other people's listening with that crap. It's as bad as slinging "Yo Momma" insults.
Ok. Now that MY rant is over... Here is this gentleman's Rant... :)
1) The President of the United States is the head of the EXECUTIVE branch of the government, not the LEGISLATIVE branch of the government. He doesn't make laws because he CAN'T. Period. Carriage-Return, new paragraph. If you don't understand that, crack a history book. Most of 'em have a copy of the Constitution in the back somewhere. I promise you it's far more interesting than the or articles you people have apparently been reading. Don't like your budgets? Your education mandates? Your LAWS? That's CONGRESS, ye dolts. Wise the f**k up on that one point, at least. Sure the President can submit those things, but it's CONGRESS that enacts them. It's repulsive to watch these two clowns stare straight into the camera on live TV and LIE to everybody, telling the population what they will DO, rather than what they will PROPOSE. Repulsive because they're lying? No, not at all. Repulsive because they HAVE TO in order to secure the "moron vote," the bulk of the American electorate who have absolutely no idea how their country works, but who get a vote anyway.
2) Remember Thomas Jefferson? (Hint: check your nickels) Pretty respectable guy, right? Pretty smart, wouldn't you say? (That whole "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" rap from the DoI was something he cadged off of John Locke.) Do you know what he thought about people who supported political parties? He thought they were slobbering idiots. Consider that the next time you're about to flamingo your yard with McCain or Obama signs: a founding father of this country, were he alive today, would likely toss a lit lantern through your window for being mindless enough to support either of today's major political parties.
You people are MAKING YOURSELVES fodder for this machinery, so you get what you deserve.
Oh, Bush is a nightmare, right? Eight years of "Tyranny," correct?
Read that again. RE-ELECTED.
Until the American voter walks away, en masse, from these two political parties, there will be NO CHANGE in American government.
"Oh, yeah? Well, Clinton left a surplus and Bush blah-de-blah-de..."
Ah, yes. My favorite piece of drivel. Such a hero of the Democratic party that he was succeeded by 8 years of Republican "Tyranny." Yeah, the American population was just screaming for more of Clinton, weren't they?
Tell me, do you think Obama can "do" what Clinton "did" by virtue of his political affiliations? Maybe McCain? Hmm?
Think carefully, then reach for that history book....
Oh, @#$%! That's right! The Cold War ended just before Clinton took office! I almost forgot!
Clinton INHERITED that fat ol' plum tree; he didn't plant it. Those of you who weren't utterly stoned at the time will recall the issue of the "Peace Dividend" in the '92 election and its expected effect on the American (and global) economy with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Guess what.
Ain't happening again. There's no Evil Empire to collapse and leave us with a massive glut of previously spoken-for resources.
Your next President ain't gonna fix @#$% because he can't. He can point, but Congress has to follow. About the only place he doesn't need Congressional approval is in military operations, and even then, he has restrictions. Sorry, but it's true: your Congress approved the war (call it a "War on Terror" rather than a "War on Islam," since that's not PC - even if it is the truth).
You want a change? Vote congressionally, not presidentially, tear up your party cards, and start thinking for yourselves before it becomes a capital offense.
That rant just gets me all hot and bothered- in a GOOD way :) How bout' you?
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