A few snippets from tonight's debate transcript, along with my commentary :)
The Rules:BROKAW: Each candidate will have two minutes to respond to a common question, and there will be a one-minute follow-up. The audience here in the hall has agreed to be polite, and attentive, no cheering or outbursts. Those of you at home, of course, are not so constrained.
Now for the fun part...
Brokaw speaking to McCain on his lengthy speech...BROKAW: Senator, we have one minute for a discussion here.
Brokaw to McCain and Obama...BROKAW: We've run out of time. We have this one-minute discussion period going on here.
Brokaw to McCain...
BROKAW: I'm trying to play by the rules that you all established. One minute for discussion.
Brokaw to Obama...BROKAW: All right, gentlemen, I want to just remind you one more time about time. We're going to have a larger deficit than the federal government does if we don't get this under control here before too long.
Brokaw to Obama...BROKAW: Sen. Obama, as we begin, very quickly, our discussion period, President Bush, you'll remember, last summer, said that "Wall Street got drunk."...
Brokaw to Obama after McCain's discussion time...BROKAW: Sen. Obama, we have another question from the Internet.
OBAMA: Tom, can I respond to this briefly? Because...
BROKAW: Well, look, guys, the rules were established by the two campaigns, we worked very hard on this. This will address, I think, the next question.
OBAMA: The tax issue, because I think it's very important. Go ahead.
BROKAW: There are lots of issues that we are going to be dealing with here tonight. And we have a question from
Langdon (
ph) in
Ballston Spa, New York, and that's about huge unfunded obligations for Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlement programs that will soon eat up all of the revenue that's in place and then go into a deficit position.
Since the rules are pretty loose here, I'm going to add my own to this one. Instead of having a discussion, let me ask you as a coda to that. Would you give Congress a date certain to reform Social Security and Medicare within two years after you take office? Because in a bipartisan way, everyone agrees, that's a big ticking time bomb that will eat us up maybe even more than the mortgage crisis.
Brokaw after Obama's discussion time...BROKAW: Gentlemen, you may not have noticed, but we have lights around here. They have red and green and yellow and they are to signal...
OBAMA: I'm just trying to keep up with John.
MCCAIN: Tom, wave like that and I'll look at you.
BROKAW: All right, Senator.
Here's a follow-up to that, one-minute discussion. It's a simple question.
McCain speaks on an issue and at the end of it just as Brokaw is about to turn another question over to McCain...
Obama: Tom, just a...
Brokaw: Sen. McCain...
Obama: ... just a quick follow-up on this. I think...
McCain: If we're going to have follow-ups, then I will want follow-ups, as well.
Brokaw: No, I know. So but I think we get at it...
McCain: It'd be fine with me. It'd be fine with me.
Brokaw: ... if I can, with this question.
Obama: Then let's have one.
Brokaw: All right, let's have a follow-up.
McCain: It'd be fine with me.
Obama: Just -- just -- just a quick follow-up, because I think -- I think this is important.
Brokaw: I'm just the hired help here, so, I mean...
Obama: You're doing a great job, Tom. Look, I -- I want to be very clear about what I said....
Now Obama is done and McCain responds...McCain: And, Tom, if -- if we're going to go back and forth, I then -- I'd like to have equal time to go -- to respond to...
Brokaw: Yes, you get the...
McCain: ... to -- to -- to...
Brokaw: ... last word here, and then we have to move on.
More than 7 times they had to be reminded about the rules they agreed to play by... At this point Ryan and I decided to go to bed. The speech was a little more than half way over at this point.
The last part I quoted is just "tit for tat", and I understand... This was a Debate! In Pure Debate Fashion! So why not bicker about your time and your "right" to rebut. But yeesh.
Last Note by me... During the debate I noticed McCain and Obama were both blinking excessively. I looked up body language and mannerisms, all evidence pointed to the same thing... Shifty eyes or excessive blinking are suggestive of Deception! Ta Da! And these are the men we're appointing to run our country?
Bullshit! My new motto is "Don't vote for who you see. Vote for who you want!" There are so many people running for president, yet we only see two of them. Did you know there's a BLACK WOMAN running for president!? Bet you didn't. So... Check out http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/index.php to see the candidates and their spending habits and vote for who you WANT not just who you see. (Who you see May BE who you want, but do your homework first.)
Love ya!