Peta Vegetarian Fact

Just recieved my Peta congratulations for being vegetarian for one month. Hmm, didn't even notice it had been that long. I've been enjoying my Tofu and fake meats. Ha! So... here's an interesting and appreciative fact...

"Your committment to a vegetarian diet will save over 100 animals a year!"

That's a feel good fact :)

Dolphins Playing

Dolphin Rings:
These are incredible animals. There is a real intelligence here. This isn't the first time I've seen animals playing, but playing with things they created - literally out of thing air - is something else entirely.
The attached video is of dolphins playing with silver colored rings which they have the ability to make under water to play with. It isn't known how they learn this, or if it's an inbred ability.As if by magic the dolphin does a quick flip of its head and a silver ring appears in front of its pointed beak. The ring is a solid, donut shaped bubble about 2-ft across, yet it doesn't rise to the surface of the water! It stands upright in the water like a magic doorway to an unseen dimension. The dolphin then pulls a small silver donut from the larger one. Looking at the twisting ring for one last time a bite is taken from it, causing the small ring to collapse into a thousands of tiny bubbles which head upward towards the water's surface. After a few moments the dolphin creates another ring to play with. There a lso seems to be a separate mechanism for producing small rings, which a dolphin can accomplish by a quick flip of its head. An explanation of how dolphins make these silver rings is that they are "air-core vortex rings". Invisible, spinning vortices in the water are generated from the tip of a dolphin's dorsal fin when it is moving rapidly and turning. When dolphins break the line, the ends are drawn together into a closed ring. The higher velocity fluid around the core of the vortex is at a lower pressure than the fluid circulating farther away. Air is injected into the rings via bubbles released from the dolphin's blowhole. The energy of the water vortex is enough to keep the bubbles from rising for a reasonably few seconds of play time.

For the Health Nut...Another Website.

Another Great Site!!

For any person who eats nutrition bars, energy bars, or snack foods, this website has Major discounts. Larabars are my favorite, and they're $27 a box from the company's website, they're $19 at FitFuel. For the health nut or bar lover check out the shipping deal you can get. It's called "Smartship". You get a "Health Passport" account number and for $70 you get free shipping for the year. If you order often it's a great deal. They carry tons of clothing and yoga mats, blocks, nutrition supplements, etc. I could go on and on with what I've found on this website.

Enjoy the Savings! Love, your favorite comparison shopper :) Erika.

Move Over Fresh Direct!

Move over Fresh Direct! I've found a website that delivers to the NY, NJ area!

They have the best variety of tofu products and my favorite Milk, (made by Amish) "Ecomeal Organic", it has a picture of a milk man on the front. Needless to say, I trust the Amish to produce healthy, natural products. Smiles. I recomend this website to any vegetarian, or health concious person. Check it out!

Enjoy! Love Erika!

Local Facts... Found at...

I accidentally discovered an amazing website. It gives you access to statistics about any city. Down to how large the cities parks are! For anybody in real estate, the website has on every cities page, a place where you can enter an address and the website produces for you the current value of the house, the low end sale price and the high end sale price. It will also offer you a list of sales in your area. What sold for what and when. I told you...AMAZING! Looking for school info? Public, Private, Charter? Want to know how much your city's goverment spent in Payroll and for exactly how many employees!? I was so overloaded and surprized by the loads of ongoing facts! My eyes kept getting wider and wider! It's the place to go to find out about a place. It doesn't just cover big cities either, it covers small cities too! EVERY city! So I encourage you to take a glance, just for your ammusement, but then bookmark the page to allow yourself to use it in the future. I know you've been waiting for the website...So here it is!

Want Mahattan specifically?


No Matter your Political Stance. It's Funny.

A short comedy cartoon music video. It's more of a testement to the cartoon aspect and I'm interested to know how it was made. Either way. Enjoy...

JibJab is back..........
Please click here:

I Just Became a Vegetarian


I came home and read some mail my mom had given me. Enclosed with it was a "Vegetarian Starter Kit" with some recipes and quotes from a bunch of celebrities about why they are vegetarian. I've seen this pamphlet before but never gave the inner pages a second glance. Since Ryan is a vegetarian we don't have meat in the apt anyway, but after scanning the pages of this pamphlet I decided to read a little further and do a little more research about where our meat comes from. The pages of the pamphlet had stunning facts about the hormones given to animals and the state they are often in when they get to the slaughterhouse. Without even seeing the video below I decided that from now on I would not order meat dishes in restaurants. After seeing the video I have decided that I will give vegetarianism a shot. This is why…

I have thought for a long time now that when we eat meat there's something greater going on then just our enjoying a different type of food. Animals are a very interesting sort of food, because to get them from living breathing animals to our table, they have to be "produced". They have to be killed somehow and then processed to be edible. I have very little problem with how the animals are processed after their dead, but when they're alive they have energy and emotions. Those emotions produce chemical surges through the body just like humans. When you feel stressed your body reacts (those of you familiar with Louise Hay know exactly what I'm talking about). Can you imagine what we're ingesting when we consume these frightened, crazed, overly stressed, sick, starved, and worked animals. They suffer in transit, often not making it. (That part reminds me of slavery.)

I urge you to consider what I wrote and watch the three videos I have linked you to below. I was a happy bacon eater before tonight. Consider this my Landmark Forum of food. I don't want to ingest the suffering they endured, I mean that literally. I hate to think of what those chemicals do to my body when ingested.

"Meet your Meat"

Organic Milk"

"Vegetarianism is better for the environment than driving a Hybrid"

Erika Rachel Bianconi

Gifted Children: How to Bring Out Their Potential: Scientific American

It seems to be a pretty good article, but every comment made it is an argument against one thing the author said. That is that acceleration for a student into higher grades may have a negetive impact due to pubecent gap.

Gifted Children: How to Bring Out Their Potential: Scientific American

Follow up: Resolution to Plastic Bags

My friend Angel sent me a response to the Danger of Plastic Bags post. She told me about these great scrunch bags from Flip & Tumble. I checked them out. I recommend you do too. They're great small bags that can scrunch up to the size of a peach and fit in your pocket or purse for easy transport.

Their website:

I bought 2 myself. The shipping was amazing! Shipped no more then 3 hours after I placed the order! They're a great idea for people who forget to bring their bags to the grocery store or who can't carry their normal reusable bags with them always. Cause as we all know, those bags don't scrunch down to the size of a peach! ALSO... Flip & Tumble doesn't want their bags to go to the dump after their lifespan has ended, so send back your old bags and they'll recycle them into new ones! You have to love that!
Enjoy! I love you!

Danger of Plastic Bags

The Dangers Of Plastic Bags

There are a lot of causes to fight for, but after you see this video, it might be a good idea to contact your congressperson and senators to request that they put in motion some kind of legislation to govern the disposal and manufacturing of plastic bags.

Slide Show:

Vegetarianisn is better for the Environment than driving a Hybrid

Interesting tidbits for people who want facts about farming cattle and its impacts on the environment:

"Decrease Your Footprint: Choose at least one day a week to eat a meat-free meal"
By eating a vegetarian meal at least one day a week you can walk more softly on the planet. Check out our Recipes.

Raising animals for meat has its consequences. It leads to rain forest destruction, global heatrising, water pollution, water scarcity, desertification, misuse of energy resources, and world hunger. The use of land, water, energy, and human effort to produce meat is not an efficient way to use the earth's resources.

Since 1960, some 25% of Central America's rain forests have been burned and cleared to create pasture for beef cattle. It has been estimated that every four ounce hamburger made from rain forest beef destroys 55 square feet of tropical rain forest. In addition, raising cattle contributes significantly to the production of three gases which cause global warming, is a leading cause of water pollution, and requires a staggering 2464 gallons of water for the production of each pound of beef.

It only takes 29 gallons of water to produce a pound of tomatoes, and 139 gallons to produce a one pound loaf of whole wheat bread. Nearly half of the water consumed in the United States goes to the growing of feed for cattle and other livestock." ~